What a crazy this year was! I can't believe 365 days went by so quickly. On December 31st I contemplated this past year, and I still can't believe that it's been almost 2 years since I started my business (well 2 years in June).
I'd say my very first year as a self-employed person was pretty successful. In one year I quadrupled my income and my clients. I won a grant (which I have not yet cashed... I better get on that soon, or else the money will be null and void!). I even got accepted to this very nice, fancy schmancy designy expo at the Souk, and they chose me over Velvet Moustache. How excited was I when I found that out? Pretty excited! When I asked the organizer about that, she said she likes to bring in new talent, not just the same old stuff. Awesome! 2012 was also a very tough year! I wasn't very organized, and because I hadn't started the year with an established set of designs, I was still learning what was selling and what wasn't. Now that I know now, this coming year will be different.
Now on to more exciting stuff! I'm seeing a small trend of bloggers talking about their new goals for this year, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon! 2013 is a new year which means new goals, right?
1. Organize myself better.
Do my paperwork at least once a month. Input all my expenses in my Freshbooks account instead of waiting until now to do it! :)
2. Build up my inventory
This means no lallygagging around for 3 months not working because there aren't any sales. I must work 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday building up monsters for stores, and any unexpected wholesale orders I may get. I am not spending another 6 months catching up like last year. :)
3. Get more clients
It's always nice to have more clients. More clients is good. Cold calling is how its done, and I'm going to have to spend some time doing some research!
4. Get exposure
It's all good and dandy to have more clients, but what my business needs is to have more exposure! It's not enough to just do fairs and expos. I want my monster photos published in newspapers, magazines, or even on the news! Time to work harder this year.
4. Have a proper holiday
I don't mind spending time at home for a holiday/vacation, but this year I'd like to be able to start saving up for a proper vacation! I want to take a plan to Europe (Brighton, England to be more exact) and visit my bestie Aussie friend Heather! I haven't seen her since she moved away, and I've never been to Europe, so this is my plan. :) If I can't visit her this year, maybe I'll have enough by next year for a ticket.
Have you thought about your 2013 goals? Please share them with me!