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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Working My Butt Off!

Happy Friday everyone! Oh wait, no, today is Thursday. Hahaha I'm all confused. That's what happens when you work from home, and every day can be a potential work day.

Here's a little update on my biggest monster making week yet. I started cutting up 34 fake fur body forms, and I've been trying to work in a way to make it more efficient. I started my 'assembly line' method on the monsters that have the long skinny arms and legs this week. I have 19 in total (after this morning's final count).

This is what I've accomplished in the past 2 days! I'd say it's pretty awesome. 2 sets of bodies, and 8 legs & 4 horns to match.

My process, once the bodies were all cut up, is to cut and sew all matching legs and arms, once that's done, I chose a nice contrasting face and then finally, horns in a different colour as well. This entire process took me about 8 hours (give or take an hour). I know, that seems like an incredibly long time. It probably is, but I took tiny breaks to see why my cats were being so annoying, to stretch out my back (gets sore after multiple hours hunched over a sewing machine), and washroom breaks (can't forget those!). Keep in mind that I had nearly 20 guys to work on. In my business plan, I've said that I could do 20 monsters a week (that's 5 a day), and this is pretty close to that. So really, so far I started these monsters on Sunday night, and worked on them for a few hours on Tuesday, then Wednesday and today we're Thursday. I spent last night from 7:45 pm until 11:30 pm turning all the arms and legs right side out, and started stuffing them. I decided it was high time to be comfortable, and I put on my favorite spy show, Alias, to watch while I work. If I can get these done by Sunday, then I'd say yay for me!! :)

Here I am cutting out horns for my monsters

More furs!

These are my next project. These guys have arms and legs built into their bodies, they just need faces and horns.

This is me!! I thought I'd show you who I am, and you can see my living room in the background.

This orange fabric is so gorgeous! It's going with a deep purple body, and kelly green horns. It'll look awesome when finished.

That's it for me. Time to make breakfast, put on a good moving and get to embroidering faces and stuffing limbs. But once this is all done, I'll be so happy. I'll have a whole bunch of monsters for the upcoming fair, and for the store, Tah-Dah!, and on to the next project.



  1. Hello :)
    What an amazing blog you have here!

  2. Hi! Thank you! :D And thanks for being a new follower!
