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Monday, September 10, 2012

The CBC commercial grand prize is mine!

For those of you who are new to what I'm talking about, it's the contest for Quebec entrepreneurs.

If you’re a small-business in Quebec, enter CEDEC's Love Your Local Business Contest for a chance to:

  • Be featured in a TV commercial to be aired on CBC Television for an entire month
  • Win two tickets and hotel accommodations to the Awards Gala in Montreal on Wednesday October 17, 2012
  • Win publicity for your business in a major Quebec newspaper
  • Win visibility for your business on CEDEC's website, e-newsletter and social media channels
  • Win prizes and much more!

The contest includes a voting component where you can share your business profile through this website, asking, clients, friends and family to support your entry. Garner as many votes as you can for a chance to win great publicity for your business!
Deadline to enter is Friday September 28, 2012.
The top 5 get a chance at this beautiful grand prize:
Grand Prize / Grand Prix 

Estimated value: $30000.00 CAD

Grand Prize / Grand Prix

The grand prize winner will be featured in a TV commercial that will be broadcast on CBC Television for the entire month of December 2012. The top five vote getters of the contest are automatically in the running for the grand prize. The grand prize winner will be chosen by a jury and revealed at the Awards Gala on Wednesday October 17, 2012.

So I'm seeing that competition around me is stepping up for this Love Your Local Business contest, and I want to offer a $50 gift certificate in a draw if everyone can help me reach 1st place!! I've already reached the top 5, but that's not good enough for me. So if you've voted today, that's great, but please go back to the site on a regular basis (read: Every day) and put in your vote for me. You can vote through Facebook, or register your email address and vote that way as well. Either way takes less than 10 seconds, and would be so great!

Here's what you do. Bookmark this link , put it somewhere you will see it every day, and then go in and cast as many votes as you can with as many emails as you own. At the end of the month, I will be hosting a giveaway on my Facebook page (using an app of course) and everyone who has entered the giveaway will get to win that lovely $50 in my store.

This is going to make a perfect gift!!  Now go and vote every day, and I'll let you know when the giveaway starts!! :)

Good luck!!

$50 GIFT CERTIFICATE online at Curious Little Bird's online shop!

Vote daily here:



  1. Voted again, & bookmarked the link! Good luck!!

    1. Thank you!! :) Remember, you can vote with a non-Facebook account as well. Registering is super simple. If you have multiple emails, use them all for voting every day! :D

      You're awesome!!

  2. Voted once and voted today again! Will try to remember to vote everyday!
    Will post it on facebook and blog as well! Hope it goes all well!!
    !Go MeL Go MeL Go MeL Go MeL Go MeL Go MeL !!!
    Good luck!!!!
