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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

♫♫ On the 11th day of Christmas ♫♫

♫ ♫ On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 11 plush monsters and a partridge in a pear tree!  ♫ ♫

When I was trying to think of a really interesting blog title today, the holiday song Twelve Days of Christmas came to mind. Now, we're not really on the 11th day of Christmas, but there are 11 days UNTIL Christmas, so I'm close! :-)

I decided to open my shop early, since I managed to finish all of my Christmas orders. I'm very excited about that. I hope there will be lots of happy girls and boys who will be getting monsters! I'm encouraging a few sales, but the deadline for buying is December 18th. I know it's still a week away from Christmas, but I need a few days to make the suckers and put them in the post. Since the deadline is the 21st, and my furry guys are all made to order, my customers must know that I can't make these guys last minute, unfortunately. Last minute shopping when it comes to border shipping is quite difficult. That's why I am writing this blog! There are 3, yes 3 stores in Montreal you can buy a cute monster for Christmas!! They're all ready to be adopted and taken home.

Here are the details:

1. Minizabies: (open until Dec 23rd) 

1991 Beaubien est, Montreal, QC
Tue - Wed:11:00 am-5:00 pm
Thu - Fri:11:00 am-6:00 pm
Sat:11:00 am-5:00 pm
Minizabies, friperie pour enfants dans Rosemont! Voilà une boutique qui regorge de trésors! De quoi habiller les petits avec goût sans y laisser son portefeuille. Vous y trouverez de la fripe de bonne qualité ainsi que des créations québecoises (Éco design)
Public Transit
Metro Beaubien autobus 18 direction Est ou la 45 Papineau
2. Perfide:  
4217 Notre-Dame Ouest, Montreal, QC H4C1R4
Perfide is a small independently owned boutique located in the Saint-Henri area of Montréal. We stock clothing, art, accessories and more from local artists, the quirkier the better! We're only a few steps away from Saint-Henri metro station so stop in and see us if you're in the area :)
I also have my own clothing line called SweetMeat, and I sell on etsy under the name sweetmeatclothing. To check it out click on the Etsy tab on the left or follow the link below.

Tue - Fri:11:00 am-6:00 pm
Sat - Sun:12:00 pm-5:00 pm
3. Tah-Dah! :
56, rue Jean-Talon Est, Montreal, QC H2R 1S7

Tue - Wed:11:00 am-6:00 pm
Thu - Fri:11:00 am-8:00 pm
Sat - Sun:11:00 am-5:00 pm
Une surprise vous y attend!
Public Transit
Métro Jean-Talon
 Here's a link to my Etsy boutique:  Stop by, take a browse, think about future gifts for yourself, your husband or boyfriend, or even your kids! There's something for everyone. :-)

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